Art of Giving – Moral Compass (Part 1)

What is a moral compass? It is that thing, invisible but undeniably real, inside each one of us that tell us which direction we should go when we have to make decisions involving right and wrong. For example, It is wrong to steal or it is right to protect oneself.

How do we evaluate a person’s character? Based on their formed opinion on a single issue? Or based on the fact that he makes no mistakes in judgment? Can a person who lives an upstanding life, be very moral and righteous in so many ways, possibly be guilty of a personal failing on a single issue? Martin Luther King Jr. was universally upheld as an inspirational light. His commitment to non-violence and pursuit of social justice remains to this day an outstanding example of what we all should emulate. Yet this same man was guilty of having multiple affairs. How then should we sum up his character? By discounting all the great work this man has done or alternatively by ignoring his unfaithfulness to his wife?


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Art of Giving – Moral Compass (Part 3)


Art of Giving – Moral Compass (Part 2)