Why Write?
Why Write?
I write to give voice to my thoughts
I write to bring life to my dreams
I write to stretch my mind
I write to share my ideas
I write to release my stress
I write to resolve my unanswered questions
I write to bring joy to others
I write to make a statement
I write to find my place in this world
I write to keep calm
I write to satisfy my inner child
I write to reassure myself. ‘I can and I will.’
I write to inspire young minds to reach far and reach high because they can….
I fell in love with the written word when i was in Primary 6. That year, I won a writing competition in school titled, ‘Outside of Your Window’. That was my first, and sadly, last written piece that has gained recognition. Many years went by, life, as it does, got in the way and slowly but surely, I gradually lost my words. I spent more time talking than listening, more time dreaming than writing. Slowly, I realized I was losing confidence, not in the written word but in myself, my ability to write. I spent years telling myself that I could do without the written word, especially being the talker that I am. The written word was secondary, unimportant.
It was not until I was plunged into a life crisis back in 2011 that my old friend, the written word, came to my rescue. I was sad and miserable, unable to break free of the pain and my internal struggle. I spent days in solitude, feeling alone and helpless. I felt lifeless.
One sleepless night, I picked up my pen and started to write. Hesitant at first, the words and the richness of self-expression came slowly. But as I persevered, it unlocked a trickle of vocabulary that turned into a torrent of verbiage that I melded and crafted to match the maelstrom of feelings that sought to get out from deep within me. It felt like the old days. My daily journal writing ritual lasted two consecutive years. At the end of those two years, not only did I realize how much I had missed the act of writing, the freedom of self-expression, but also how much I have grown during this journey of self discovery through writing. I was more in line with my inner thoughts and less doubtful of my direction in life. I was also more receptive toward challenge. The process of writing forced me to dig deeper into matters that I had refused to face, but it also empowered me to give life to my hopes and dreams. Most importantly, the act of writing encouraged me to be bold, to give voice to my visions.
Armed with a newfound confidence, I decided to invest further in the written word. I enrolled in City University of Hong Kong and four years later, I had earned a master degree in Creative Writing. I am a writer in progress working on my memoir.
It was a long journey, but I had finally found my way home. To my passion – the passion of writing. Writing revived my love for life; life provided me with hope; hope led to my dreams and my dreams brought me home.
My mission is to inspire young and eager minds to discover the joy of writing and be inspired by the written words in the same way it did me. To write is to express; to express is to find a place for yourself in this world.