Strength-Based Parenting (SBP)

Unlock Your Child’s Potential and Enhance Well-being

“Strengths-based parenting is an approach where parents deliberately identify and cultivate positive states, processes and qualities in their children.” Lea Waters, author of Strengths Switch

specializing in character strengths finding and development. In her one-on-one coaching, she works with individuals and family to identify, develop and use their signature character strength to build resilience, to manage their emotions and improve their overall well being.

About Sandy Sinn

Positive Psychology Practitioner | A Strengths-based Coach | Youth Mental Health Specialist | Founder of the Center of Positive Psychology & Wellbeing | LivingWorks ASIST Trainer

What is


It is a parenting style that parents focus on building up their children’s strengths instead of weaknesses. By shifting their focus from fixing what’s wrong to cultivating what’s right, parents are able to help their children to maximize and make the most of their talents and character.  

Strength-Based Parents focus on:

Research shows that children and teenagers who have strength-based parents 

  • Have higher levels of life satisfaction

  • Have a better understanding of their own strengths

  • Cope with conflict in more pro-active ways

  • Use their strengths to help them meet homework deadlines

  • Have lower levels of stress.

SBP doesn’t just benefit our children but also to parents too as study shown that strengths-based parents have a better life satisfaction and are more confident.

Why Our Strength-based Parenting Programs?

  • Since 2019

    Updated for continued growth and improvement

  • + 100

    More than 100 parents join this programs

  • Confident

    Felt more confident in their role as a parent

Attend This 5 weeks Program If You Want :

To learn how to parent your Gen Z child in New Way

Parents who are interested in taking a positive and proactive approach to Gen Z parenting

To Develop a positive strengths-based parents-child relationship

Parents who want to develop or upskill their parenting skills, enhance their relationship with their children, and create a more positive family dynamic.

To Look For Parenting Support

Parents who are looking for support in navigating common parenting challenges, such as communication issues, behavioral concerns, and relationship building with their children.

What will You learn in the next 5 weeks :

  1. Understanding character strength

  2. Spotting character strength

  3. Using character strength

  4. Growing character strength

  5. Celebrating character strength

Your parenting journey does NOT have to be a frustrating and stressful one. Invest in becoming a strength-based parent and start seeing positive changes in your children and your parents-child relationship. 

Contact us today to learn more about our 5 weeks Strengths-based Parenting Program.

What Participant Say About