My Blogs
Bilingualism-smarter kids
It is a reasonable but of the unsubstantiated claim that people, and most especially children, are somehow the beneficiaries of multiple positives associated with being bilingual. We all nod sagely at the premise, on the basis that it must be self-evident that there is nothing but upside associated with the skill of effortlessly switching between two languages.
「溫故而知新,可以為師矣。」 孔子曾經說過:「三思而後行」我一直都對那句話有深深的疑問,直到那次,我終於明白到它的意思。我因心急和衝動,一時失去理智,沒有把事情想清楚再作決定,結果就是我自作自受…… 記得那次,我和班中一羣男生,為了一些無聊的小事,我們討論了整個小息,不但得不到結論,反而令大家心裏存着芥蒂。我們都帶着這種不安的心情回家去。雖然我知道,只要我們大家讓一讓,忍一忍,這件事就不會變成一件大事,但我卻做不到。...
This week, the piece I would like to share with you is how Xavier captured a part of his struggle in mastering the Chinese language. As a result of those few years of struggle, this experience actually taught him the true meaning of perseverance and how everything needs patience and determination. As a parent what I would want my children to learn is the invaluable lesson of not giving up. Grit……
回歸二十年 : 我愛我的香港
It would be interesting for Xavier to write about the same topic, “I love my Hong Kong” in a few years time to see how his perspective would shift.... This week, I am sharing with you another composition my son, Xavier had written last year. The power of the written...
As I was cleaning up my son’s room, I found his Chinese composition book on the shelf which he had kept even after he had left his old school which he had attended for 4 years. Reading one of his compositions below, it brought back so much fond memories of his times...
One of them
True immersion means fully integrating into the life of a new environment. When my parents sent my younger brother and I abroad when we were 13 and 10 respectively, the plan was for us to live with our elder sister, who was already living in the UK. Never having been...
The benefits of speaking more than one language
“The limits of my language mean the limits of my world.” – Ludwig Wittgenstein Language fuels our brains, frames our thoughts and makes complex communication possible. The words, expressions and quirks unique to our language largely define how we see and understand...